The Ordinary Folk of Jewish Bradford 1877-1922

This section covers potted biographies of the ordinary Jewish people who lived in Bradford during the period 1877-1922. The information about them has been gleaned from the Scholemoor Cemetery register of interments from this period.

The register is reproduced below. Some of the entries are pure guess work due to the deteriorating standard of the clerks handwriting when the information was copied across from the original document sometime after 1922.

There are 99 entries in total of which about 60 are adults. The rest sadly are the many children and babies who did not live very long, as was tragically all too common during the Victorian and Edwardian periods.

Register of Interments at the Reform Jewish Section, Scholemoor Cemetary Bradford, 1877-1922


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Alternately  to open in Microsoft Word / Open Office follow this link: Register of Interments at the Reform Jewish Section 1877-1922

Cemetery Register 1877-1922

Register of Interments at the Reform Jewish Section