The Bradford Synagogue held its Civic Chanukah service on Sunday 1st December.
The synagogue was full and money was raised for the Philippines Disaster Appeal and the Lord Mayor of Bradford’s Charity ‘Bradford Disability Sport and Leisure’
In the picture are Rudi Leavor – Chairman of the Bradford Synagogue (with yarmulke with Menorah on) The Lord Mayor of Bradford – Councillor Khadim Hussain, Baroness Margaret Eaton, Councillor Ralph Berry together with Members of the Muslim and Hindu Communities in Bradford.
Also at the service a Sefer Torah was presented to the Synagogue by member Suzie Cree whose father Rabbi Michael Curtis had owned the scroll.

Rudi Leavor – Chairman of the Bradford Synagogue, The Lord Mayor of Bradford – Councillor Khadim Hussain, Barones Margare Eaton, Councillor Ralph Berry together with Members of the Muslim and Hindu Communities in Bradford.
Below are two newspaper cutting from the Jewish Press, which have mentioned this years Chanukah event.